Beneath the frozen expanse of Antarctic ice, life exists in places we never knew could sustain it. The weird and wonderful organisms being discovered underwater in Antarctica reveal extraordinary things about our planet’s deep past and even the wider universe.
Antarctic Scuba
In the icy depths, cutting-edge subaquatic research facilities are at the forefront of unravelling these mysteries. Equipped with advanced features like aquariums, dive facilities, recompression chambers, and laboratories, these state-of-the-art facilities allow dives to continue year-round. In this filter, you’ll be one of our intrepid divers, who access the water through holes cut in the sea ice during the winter.
Learn more: Creatures of the Frozen Seas
Wearing Antarctica is a project by The UK Antarctic Heritage Trust. UKAHT aims to make our shared Antarctic heritage accessible to all, whether from the sofa or the ship. Find out more on our website.
© UK Antarctic Heritage Trust 2024 | Registered charity 1160847
Address: High Cross, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0ET, UK